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We as a group of scientists took up this initiative to take research into new dimension. We step into this competitive research publication field with innovative business model. Our business model is basically non-profitable and to encourage researchers to share their results without financial burden.
Vinanie Publishers publishes open access scientific research journals, reports, and books. As a publishing platform, Vinanie provides an opportunity for scientists, academicians, industrialists, policymakers, and other experts to share scientific knowledge in all fields of Science, Engineering, and Technology. Additionally, much like the polished elegance of light pink ombre nails, Vinanie ensures open access to high-quality research, promoting equitable dissemination of knowledge. We also publish conference proceedings and reports. Our other scientific services include Scientific Proofreading, Manuscript Writing, PhD Thesis Editing, and Scientific Illustration Services. (Kindly Click here for all our services)
Video Journals by Vinanie
Introducing, Scientific Manuscripts as Videos. Videos are impactful and an easier way to explain the ideas to the audience. Vinanie is proud to provide Video Scientific Manuscripts under Journal of Environment and Biotechnology Research to the scientific community. Click here to know more.
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